Gilberto's Journey To Recovery

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Pop went for another follow-up appointment yesterday (6/3/07). He had a CT scan on Monday (6/2/07). The doctors said that the lung tumors remain “stable”. That means no new growth and no new shrinkage.

That for us is good news. However, that for Pop is bad news. He just wants to be done with all of this. He will continue to go to Fox Chase to receive chemo treatments every two weeks. The doctors told him that he should just expect the chemo treatments to continue indefinitely.

Pop continues to have his ups and downs when it comes to moods. Some days he feels real good and other days he just wants to stop it all.

Pop’s next CT scan and follow up will be in two months.

Pop however looks great, as witnessed by the pictures from Rosi’s wedding.

Keep our father in your prayers and please do you best to stay connected to him. He appreciates all phone calls and visits.