Gilberto's Journey To Recovery

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Power of a Praying Mother!

As you all know, Pop’s mom, Mama Catalina is a woman of prayer. God has heard her and our prayers.

“Miraculous” was the word that the oncologist at Fox Chase Cancer center used when he referred to Pop’s recent CT report. The doctor told us today, that dad’s tumors have actually shrunk in size. The doctors had previously indicated that Pop’s tumors would either grow or stay the same. They really had no belief that the tumors would shrink. The current chemotherapy treatment was to simply prevent further growth or any new tumors from growing. However, the tumors have shrunk in size. Pop of course was thrilled with this news.

This means that Pop will now only have to receive chemotherapy every two weeks instead of the usual every week. This in itself is a great comfort for Pop; to not have to drive to Fox Chase to get chemo every week.

So, this Thursday, when we list all the things that we are thankful for, let’s remember to be thankful that our God still works miracles.

Thanks to everyone who prays for Pop and stays connected to him.